
Liste (non exhaustive) des publications relatives à MARC (ou PREVIMER), hors actes de colloques et rapports d'étude.

Publications de rang A

Alekseenko, E., Raybaud, V., Espinasse, F., Boris and Carlotti, Queguiner, B., Thouvenin, P., Benedicte and Garreau, Baklouti, M., 2014. Seasonal dynamics and stoichiometry of the planktonic community in the NW Mediterranean Sea: a 3D modeling approach. OCEAN DYNAMICS 64, 179–207.

Andre, X., Le Reste, S., Rolin, J.-F., 2010. Arvor-C: A Coastal Autonomous Profiling Float. SEA TECHNOLOGY 51, 10–13.

Ardhuin, F., Roland, A., Dumas, F., Bennis, A.-C., Sentchev, A., Forget, P., Wolf, J., Girard, F., Osuna, P., Benoit, M., 2012. Numerical Wave Modeling in Conditions with Strong Currents: Dissipation, Refraction, and Relative Wind. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY 42, 2101–2120. , Open Access version :

Bailly Du Bois, P., 2011. Automatic calculation of bathymetry for coastal hydrodynamic models. COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES 37, 1303–1310.

Bennis, A., Dumas, F., Ardhuin, F., Blanke, B., 2014. Mixing parameterization: Impacts on rip currents and wave set-up. Ocean Engineering 84, 213–227. , Open Access version :

Bertrand, S., Gohin, F., Garello, R., 2009. Regional objective analysis for merging MERIS, MODIS/Aqua and SeaWiFS Chlorophyll-a data from 1998 to 2008 on the European Atlantic Shelf at a resolution of 1.1Km., in: OCEANS 2009 - EUROPE, VOLS 1 AND 2, OCEANS-IEEE. IEEE, pp. 1165–1174. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Bolanos, R., Osuna, P., Wolf, J., Monbaliu, A., J. and Sanchez-Arcilla, 2011. Development of the POLCOMS-WAM current-wave model. OCEAN MODELLING 36, 102–115.

Bourras, D., Branger, H., Reverdin, G., Marié, L., Cambra, R., Baggio, L., Caudoux, C., Caudal, G., Morisset, S., Geyskens, N., Weill, A., Hauser, D., 2014. A New Platform for the Determination of Air–Sea Fluxes (OCARINA): Overview and First Results. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 31, 1043–1062.

Bruneau, N., Bonneton, P., Castelle, B., Pedreros, R., 2011. Modeling rip current circulations and vorticity in a high-energy mesotidal-macrotidal environment. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS 116.

Cailleau, S., Chanut, J., Lellouche, J.-M., Levier, C., B. and Maraldi, Reffray, G., Sotillo, M.G., 2012. Towards a regional ocean forecasting system for the IBI (Iberia-Biscay-Ireland area): developments and improvements within the ECOOP project framework. OCEAN SCIENCE 8, 143–159.

Charles, E., Idier, D., Thiebot, J., Le Cozannet, G., Pedreros, R., Ardhuin, F., Planton, S., 2012. Present Wave Climate in the Bay of Biscay: Spatiotemporal Variability and Trends from 1958 to 2001. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE 25, 2020–2039.

Cugier, P., Struski, C., Blanchard, J., Michel and Mazurie, Pouvreau, S., Olivier, F., Trigui, J.R., Thiebaut, E., 2010. Assessing the role of benthic filter feeders on phytoplankton production in a shellfish farming site: Mont Saint Michel Bay, France. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS 82, 21–34.

Duffa, C., Dufois, F., Coudray, S., 2011. An operational model to simulate post-accidental radionuclide transfers in Toulon marine area: preliminary development. OCEAN DYNAMICS 61, 1811–1821. , Open Access version :

Dufois, F., Garreau, P., Le Hir, P., Forget, P., 2008. Wave- and current-induced bottom shear stress distribution in the Gulf of Lions. CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH 28, 1920–1934. , Open Access version :

Dufois, F., Verney, R., Le Hir, P., Dumas, F., Charmasson, S., 2014. Impact of winter storms on sediment erosion in the Rhone River prodelta and fate of sediment in the Gulf of Lions (North Western Mediterranean Sea). CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH 72, 57–72. , Open Access version :

Dufresne, C., Duffa, C., Rey, V., 2014. Wind-forced circulation model and water exchanges through the channel in the Bay of Toulon. OCEAN DYNAMICS 64, 209–224.

Dutertre, M., Hamon, D., Chevalier, A., Claire and Ehrhold, 2013. The use of the relationships between environmental factors and benthic macrofaunal distribution in the establishment of a baseline for coastal management. ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE 70, 294–308.

Ferraris, M., Berline, L., Lombard, F., Guidi, L., Elineau, A., Mendoza-Vera, J.M., Lilley, M.K.S., Taillandier, G., V. and Gorsky, 2012. Distribution of Pelagia noctiluca (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea). JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH 34, 874–885.

Franzetti, M., Le Roy, P., Delacourt, T., Christophe and Garlan, Cancouet, R., Sukhovich, A., Alexey and Deschamps, 2013. Giant dune morphologies and dynamics in a deep continental shelf environment: Example of the banc du four (Western Brittany, France). MARINE GEOLOGY 346, 17–30.

Fuchs, R., Dupouy, C., Douillet, P., Caillaud, M., Mangin, A., Pinazo, C., 2012. Modelling the impact of a La Nina event on a South West Pacific Lagoon. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN 64, 1596–1613.

Garreau, P., Garnier, V., Schaeffer, A., 2011. Eddy resolving modelling of the Gulf of Lions and Catalan Sea. OCEAN DYNAMICS 61, 991–1003.

Gemmell, A.L., Barciela, R.M., Blower, J.D., Haines, Q., K. and Harpham, Millard, K., Price, M.R., Saulter, A., 2011. An ECOOP web portal for visualising and comparing distributed coastal oceanography model and in situ data. OCEAN SCIENCE 7, 445–454.

Gouriou, T., Martin Miguez, B., Woeppelmann, G., 2013. Reconstruction of a two-century long sea level record for the Pertuis d’Antioche (France). CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH 61-62, 31–40.

Grasso, R., Cococcioni, M., Mourre, J., Baptiste and Chiggiato, Rixen, M., 2012. A maritime decision support system to assess risk in the presence of environmental uncertainties: the REP10 experiment. OCEAN DYNAMICS 62, 469–493.

Huret, M., Sourisseau, M., Petitgas, P., Struski, C., Leger, F., Lazure, P., 2013. A multi-decadal hindcast of a physical-biogeochemical model and derived oceanographic indices in the Bay of Biscay. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS 109, S77–S94. , Open Access version :

Idier, D., Dumas, F., Muller, H., 2012. Tide-surge interaction in the English Channel. NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES 12, 3709–3718. , Open Access version :

Kourafalou V.H., P. De Mey, M. Le Hénaff, G. Charria, C.A. Edwards, R. He, M. Herzfeld, A. Pasqual, E. Stanev, J. Tintoré, N. Usui, A. van der Westhuysen, J. Wilkin and X. Zhu, 2014. Coastal Ocean Forecasting: system integration and evaluation. Journal of Operational Oceanography (Accepted).

Lazure, P., Garnier, V., Dumas, F., Herry, C., Chifflet, M., 2009. Development of a hydrodynamic model of the Bay of Biscay. Validation of hydrology. CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH 29, 985–997. , Open Access version :

Le Hir, P., Kervella, S., Walker, P., Brenon, I., 2010. Erosion and deposition patterns and associated sediment transport in the Marennes-Oleron bay (France). HOUILLE BLANCHE-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE L EAU 65–71. , Open Access version :

Le Traon, P.Y., 2013. From satellite altimetry to Argo and operational oceanography: three revolutions in oceanography. OCEAN SCIENCE 9, 901–915. , Open Access version :

Lecornu, F., De Roeck, Y.-H., 2009. PREVIMER - Coastal observations and forecasts. HOUILLE BLANCHE-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE L EAU 60–63. , Open Access version:

Lett, C., Verley, P., Mullon, C., Parada, C., Brochier, T., Penven, P., Blanke, B., 2008. A Lagrangian tool for modelling ichthyoplankton dynamics. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE 23, 1210–1214.

Magne, R., Ardhuin, F., Roland, A., 2010. Waves forecast and hincast from global ocean to the beach. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING 14, 149–162.

Maisondieu, C., Breivik, O., Roth, A.A., Jens-Christian and Allen, Forest, B., Pavec, M., 2010. METHODS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF DRIFT FORECAST MODELS, in: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME 29TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OCEAN, OFFSHORE AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING, 2010, VOL 4. ASME, Ocean, Offshore, & Arctic Engn Div, pp. 127–133.

Mourre, B., Alvarez, A., 2012. Benefit assessment of glider adaptive sampling in the Ligurian Sea. DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS 68, 68–78.

Mourre, B., Chiggiato, J., Lenartz, F., Rixen, M., 2012. Uncertainty forecast from 3-D super-ensemble multi-model combination: validation and calibration. OCEAN DYNAMICS 62, 283–294.

Muller H., Pineau-Guillou L., Idier D., Ardhuin F., 2014. Atmospheric storm surge modeling methodology along the French (Atlantic and English Channel) coast. OCEAN DYNAMICS, 64(11), 1671-1692. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

Ouillon, S., Douillet, P., Lefebvre, J.P., Le Gendre, A., R. and Jouon, Bonneton, P., Fernandez, J.M., Chevillon, O., C. and Magand, Lefevre, J., Le Hir, P., Laganier, R., Dumas, F., Marchesiello, P., Belmadani, A., Andrefouet, S., Panche, J.Y., Fichez, R., 2010. Circulation and suspended sediment transport in a coral reef lagoon: The south-west lagoon of New Caledonia. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN 61, 269–296. , Open Access version :

Pairaud, I.L., Bensoussan, N., Garreau, V., Pierre and Faure, Garrabou, J., 2014. Impacts of climate change on coastal benthic ecosystems: assessing the current risk of mortality outbreaks associated with thermal stress in NW Mediterranean coastal areas. OCEAN DYNAMICS 64, 103–115. , Open Access version :

Pineau-Guillou, L., Lathuiliere, C., Magne, S., Rudy and Louazel, Corman, D., Perherin, C., 2012. Sea levels analysis and surge modelling during storm Xynthia. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING 16, 943–952.

Quinn, N., Atkinson, P.M., Wells, N.C., 2012. Modelling of tide and surge elevations in the Solent and surrounding waters: The importance of tide-surge interactions. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE 112, 162–172.

Raimonet, M., Guillou, G., Mornet, F., Richard, P., 2013. Macroalgae delta N-15 values in well-mixed estuaries: Indicator of anthropogenic nitrogen input or macroalgae metabolism? ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE 119, 126–138.

Reimer, J.J., Vargas, R., Smith, R., Stephen V. and Lara-Lara, Gaxiola-Castro, G., Martin Hernandez-Ayon, J., Castro, A., Escoto-Rodriguez, M., Martinez-Osuna, J., 2013. Air-sea CO2 fluxes in the near-shore and intertidal zones influenced by the California Current. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS 118, 4795–4810.

Repecaud, M., Degres, Y., Bernard, N., Allenou, J.-P., Aoustin, Y., Arrondeau, J.-P., Bouget, J.-F., Bucas, K., Daniel, A., Guillaud, J.-F., Hamon, M., Jegou, P., Laes, A., Le Roux, D., Le Piver, D., Quemener, L., Rolin, J.-F., Rudelle, T., Legrand, J., Vuillemin, R., 2009. New instruments to monitor coastal sea water masses according to European Water Framework Directive, Trophimatique project, in: OCEANS 2009 - EUROPE, VOLS 1 AND 2, OCEANS-IEEE. IEEE, pp. 1084–1086. , Open Access version :

Reverdin, G., Marie, L., Lazure, P., d’ Ovidio, F., Boutin, J., Testor, P., Martin, N., Lourenco, A., Gaillard, A., F. and Lavin, Rodriguez, C., Somavilla, R., Mader, J., Rubio, A., Blouch, P., Rolland, J., Bozec, Y., Charria, F., G. and Batifoulier, Dumas, F., Louazel, S., Chanut, J., 2013. Freshwater from the Bay of Biscay shelves in 2009. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS 109, S134–S143.

Rivier, A., Gohin, F., Bryere, P., Petus, C., Guillou, N., Chapalain, G., 2012. Observed vs. predicted variability in non-algal suspended particulate matter concentration in the English Channel in relation to tides and waves. GEO-MARINE LETTERS 32, 139–151. , Open Access version :

Roland, A., Ardhuin, F., 2014. On the developments of spectral wave models: numerics and parameterizations for the coastal ocean. Ocean Dynamics 64, 833–846.

Saulquin, B., Gohin, F., Garrello, R., 2011. Regional Objective Analysis for Merging High-Resolution MERIS, MODIS/Aqua, and SeaWiFS Chlorophyll-a Data From 1998 to 2008 on the European Atlantic Shelf. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING 49, 143–154. , Open Access version :

Schaeffer, A., Garreau, P., Molcard, A., Fraunie, P., Seity, Y., 2011. Influence of high-resolution wind forcing on hydrodynamic modeling of the Gulf of Lions. OCEAN DYNAMICS 61, 1823–1844.

Sentchev, A., Forget, P., Barbin, Y., Yaremchuk, M., 2013. Surface circulation in the Iroise Sea (W. Brittany) from high resolution HF radar mapping. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS 109, S153–S168.

Somavilla, R., Gonzalez-Pola, C., Lavin, A., Rodriguez, C., 2013. Temperature and salinity variability in the south-eastern corner of the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic). JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS 109, S105–S120.

Strady, E., Kervella, S., Blanc, G., Robert, S., Stanisiere, J.Y., Coynel, A., Schaefer, J., 2011. Spatial and temporal variations in trace metal concentrations in surface sediments of the Marennes Oleron Bay. Relation to hydrodynamic forcing. CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH 31, 997–1007. , Open Access version :

Strode, C., Mourre, B., Rixen, M., 2012. Decision support using the Multistatic Tactical Planning Aid (MSTPA). OCEAN DYNAMICS 62, 161–175.

Trimoreau, E., Archambault, B., Brind’Amour, A., Lepage, J., M. and Guitton, Le Pape, O., 2013. A quantitative estimate of the function of soft-bottom sheltered coastal areas as essential flatfish nursery habitat. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE 133, 193–205.

Woillez, M., Petitgas, P., Huret, M., Struski, C., Leger, F., 2010. Statistical monitoring of spatial patterns of environmental indices for integrated ecosystem assessment: Application to the Bay of Biscay pelagic zone. PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY 87, 83–93.

Woodin, S.A., Wethey, D., Dubois, S., 2014. Population structure and spread of the Polychaete Diopatra biscayensis along the French Atlantic Coast: Human-assisted transport by-passes larval dispersal. Marine Environmental Research. , Open Access version :

Autres Publications

Newsletter de Mercator Ocean n°49 (avril 2014) entièrement consacrée à PREVIMER :

Boudière, E., Maisondieu, C., Ardhuin, F., Accensi, M., Pineau-Guillou, L., Lepesqueur, J., 2013. A suitable metocean hindcast database for the design of Marine energy converters. International Journal of Marine Energy 3-4, e40–e52. , Open Access version :

Cayocca Florence, Verney Romaric, Petton Sebastien, Caillaud Matthieu, Dussauze Morgan, Dumas Franck, Le Roux Jean-Francois, Pineau-Guillou Lucia, Le Hir Pierre (2014). Development and validation of a sediment dynamics model within a coastal operational oceanographic system. Mercator Ocean - Quaterly Newsletter, (49), 76-86. Open Access version :

Charria Guillaume, Repecaud Michel, Quemener Loic, Menesguen Alain, Rimmelin-Maury Peggy, L'Helguen Stephane, Beaumont Laurence, Jolivet Aurelie, Morin Pascal, Mace E, Lazure Pascal, Le Gendre Romain, Jacqueline Franck, Verney Romaric, Marie Louis, Jegou Paul, Le Reste Serge, Andre Xavier, Dutreuil Vincent, Regnault Jean-Pierre, Jestin Herve, Lintanf Herve, Pichavant Pascal, Retho Michael, Allenou Jean-Pierre, Stanisiere Jean-Yves, Bonnat Armel, Nonnotte Lidwine, Duros Wenceslas, Tarot Stephane, Carval Thierry, Le Hir Pierre, Dumas Franck, Vandermeirsch Frederic, Lecornu Fabrice (2014). PREVIMER: A contribution to in situ coastal observing systems. Mercator Ocean - Quaterly Newsletter, 49, 9-20. Open Access version :

Dumas Franck, Pineau-Guillou Lucia, Lecornu Fabrice, Le Roux Jean-Francois, Le Squere Bruno (2014). General Introduction: PREVIMER, a French pre-operational coastal ocean forecasting capability. Mercator Ocean - Quarterly Newsletter, (49), 3-8. Open Access version :

François, C., Joly, J.-P., Garcia, C., Miossec, L., Arzul, I., Robert, M., Omnes, E., Chollet, B., Renault, T., 2009. Le Réseau REPAMO : un outil de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins élevés et sauvages. Epidemiologie Et Sante Animale 51–58. Open Access version :

Gohin Francis, Bryere Philippe, Perrot Laurie (2014). A new procedure for interpolating satellite-derived Suspended Particulate Matters within the Previmer context. Mercator Newsletter - quaterly Newsletter, 49, 26-28. Open Access version :

Herbert Gaelle, Garreau Pierre, Garnier Valerie, Dumas Franck, Caillaud S., Chanut Jerome, Levier Bruno, Aznar Roland (2014). Downscaling from Oceanic Global Circulation Model towards Regional and Coastal Model using spectral nudging techniques: application to the Mediterranean Sea and IBI area models. Mercator Ocean - Quarterly Newsletter, 49, 44-59. Open Access version :

Menesguen Alain, Dussauze Morgan, Lecornu Fabrice, Dumas Franck, Thouvenin Benedicte (2014). Operational modelling of nutrients and phytoplancton in the bay of biscay and english channel. Mercator Ocean - Quarterly Newsletter, 49, 87-93. Open Access version :

Pineau-Guillou Lucia, Dumas Franck, Theetten Sebastien, Ardhuin Fabrice, Lecornu Fabrice, Le Roux Jean-Francois, Idier Deborah, Muller Heloise, Pedreros Rodrigo (2014). PREVIMER: Improvement of surge, sea level and currents modelling. Mercator Ocean - Quarterly Newsletter, 49, 29-38. Open Access version :

Raynaud Stephane, Charria Guillaume, Wilkins Jonathan, Garnier Valerie, Garreau Pierre, Theetten Sebastien (2014). VACUMM - A Python Library for Ocean Science. Mercator Ocean - Quaterly Newsletter, 49, 99-102. Open Access version :

Theetten Sebastien, Thiebault Benoit, Dumas Franck, Paul Julien (2014). BMGTools : a community tool to handle model grid and bathymetry. Mercator Ocean - Quarterly Newsletter, 49, 94-98. Open Access version :